True property inspections

Learn more about working with our team

True Property Inspections offers comprehensive services to proactively identify structural issues in your community. Our assessment of your property goes beyond addressing just the visible damage to identify the issue at its root.

Key Features of True Property Inspections:

  • Focus on Moisture Control: Our inspections and resulting recommendations assess the vulnerability of your building components and provide a plan to properly manage water to protect the longevity of your buildings.
  • Reports Tailored to Your Community: Following a thorough inspection, our reports include a full account of our findings and customized repair and replacement guidelines to meet the needs of your property.
  • Valuable Resources: Our reports include customized preventative maintenance suggestions, detailed bidding documents, and guidance on selecting the right bid for any necessary capital improvement projects.
  • Solutions that Protect Your Reserves: We’re dedicated to providing “right-sized” scope recommendations for your community to address the root of your issues while preventing unnecessary expenses.
  • Comprehensive Certification and Licensing: True Property Inspections is the sole inspection company certified and licensed in all areas related to protecting the building envelope.

Our inspection offerings include:

  • Pre-inspection
  • Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS)
  • Milestone I and II
  • Construction Defect Inspection
  • Roof Certification
  • Turnover Inspection

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*The calculator above is for educational purposes only. Results are based on the information you provide and estimated costs. Totals may vary from actual costs. The calculations are designed to illustrate the impact of scope, warranties and other factors on the total cost of a project.

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